All Holbein knives are produced in Seki-City which was founded 800 years ago by sword craftsmen who settled there because of the abundance of good quality chestnut and pine charcoal, clean water and suitable clay, all ingredients essential to the sword-making blacksmith. This city, which was the home of the famous “Sekino Magoruku” swords, remains Japan’s premier center for the production of cutlery.
The techniques developed over centuries of sword making have been utilized in the manufacture of this strong ‘steel brush’ which permits the artist a soft delicate touch in the creation of unique surfaces.
All Holbein knives are made from one piece of steel, a most important specification in the creation of predictable balance and adequate strength for years of reliable use. The 12 degree neck angle will allow the artist to hold the knife normally without point contact with canvas surface and a uniform 0.1.. Blade thickness allows a natural flexibility and a resulting delicate balance when applying color.
The Holbein painting knife and related palette knives offer the sword makers’ skills in the production of these most versatile artists’ tools.

Hand-forged stainless steel blades made from one piece of steel and a hard wood handle allow for predictable balance and adequate strength for years of reliable use. The 12 degree neck angle will allow the artist to hold the knife normally without point contact with the canvas surface. MX knives are flexible, strong and rust-proof. Choose from five shapes in both standard flexibility (S) and stiff flexibility (H) formats. The MX is a superior quality painting knife.

1066 & 1066-S Painting Knives
Hand-forged in Seki Japan, these exquisite knives reflect skills honed over centuries of sword making. All Holbein knives are made from one piece of steel, a most important specification in the creation of predictable balance and adequate strength for years of reliable use. The 12 degree neck angle will allow the artist to hold the knife normally without point contact with the canvas surface.
Series 1066 Knives are hand-forged stainless steel blades mounted in hardwood handles.
Series 1066S are rust-proof stainless steel blades for use with oil color, water soluble oil color, acrylic, watercolor, gouache and poster color.

Palette Knives
Created in Seki City, Japan, Holbein Palette Knives are produced using techniques derived from centuries of sword making. Holbein palette knives offer the artist a flexible steel blade with no sharpened cutting edge, which make them ideal for mixing paint and mediums on a palette before being applied onto a desired surface.